Many pilgrims choose to bring a tent and camp along the path. This is a wonderful way to be close to nature. Scandinavia is excellent for camping and there are similar laws regulating the public’s right of access to nature in both Sweden and Norway.

These priviligies come with some responsibilities. The rules regulating the right of access are there for several reasons. Sustainability, avoiding conflict with land owners and locals and safety issues are important to have in mind.

Be sure to make bonfires in safe and established places. Use lots of water, twice the amount of what you think, to put it out. The turf can burn underground for days, causing a forest fire.
Photo: Eskil Roll


In the following is a short list of central issues, but the rules are more comprehensive. The list will give you an idea of what is possible. If you plan to camp, please click the links to download information material from the Swedish and Norwegian authorities.

This you can do without permission from land owners

  • Camping in nature for two nights. Leave no litter and stay at least 150 meters/500 ft from inhabited houses and cabins.
  • Make a fire at established and safe bonfire places.
  • Using fallen branches as firewood.
  • Picking wild berries.
  • Taking a bath in lakes, rivers and fjords.

This you have to ask permission for

  • Camping for more that two nights at the same spot.
  • Camping in fields and farmed land.
  • Camping closer that 150 meters/500 ft from inhabited houses or cabins.

This you can’t do at all

  • Leaving your litter behind, unless there is a bin to put it in.
  • Making a fire in an unsafe place, or at a bonfire place if there is an official ban on any use of fire in case of drougt. Nobody wants a forest fire. The ban in case of drougt also includes primuses etc.
  • Taking firewood from, or damaging standing trees.
  • Unleashing you dog between April 1st and August 20th.

Swedish allemannsrätten – Right of public access

Norwegian allemannsretten – Right to roam

Norwegische allemannsretten – Das Jedermannsrecht

Happy camping!

You are free to plunge into whatever water you stumble upon along the path as long as it it not too close to inhabited houses and cabins. You don’t have to wear a swimsuit, but use common sense and be polite.


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