Infomagazines 2020 – Norwegian and English
There are two official information webpages about S:t Olavsleden. On these sites you’ll find maps, information about accomodation, contact information to the various local pilgrim centers, pilgrim hiking tips, tour offers and more.
For maps an info ablout the trail, take a look at
Other sites
S:T Olavsleden Shop – Guide books for St. Olavsleden, hiking products and souvernirs – packages
Facebook pages and groups
Hiking along St. Olavsleden group
S:t Olavsledens intressenter group
Guidebooks for S:t Olavsleden
These books are sold at external sites.
In Swedish:
S:t Olavsleden – pilgrimsfärd från hav till hav, en guide. By Staffan Söderlind and Marie Sjöström
There is also an English translation:
St. Olavsleden – a pilgrims path in northern Scandinavia.
St. Olavsweg
S:t Olavsleden Schweden von Selånger nach Trondheim. By Ria Warmerdam.
There is also a German translation: